how providing insights wins you business


get buyers to choose you instead of the competition With Insights that make them say, “I never thought of it that way”

Effective teaching makes buyers reframe how they think about their business

Reframing is important because the data from a customer loyalty survey rates “education and insight from the rep” as the reason why buyers choose one supplier instead of another. Internally, we think we’re totally different than a competitor. But in the buyer’s perspective, it’s not that big of a difference. So how you win the biz, according the the survey response data, is by teaching the buyer something new about their business, which gets them to reframe how they look at their business. Then you show the cost of inaction. Then you provide the solution.

With insights, you’re not telling them what they know. You’re providing them with insights that get them to reframe how they look at their business and think, “damn, I wasn’t thinking about that but I see where you’re going. Tell me more…” That’s the response you want: “huh, I wasn’t thinking about it that way.“

cody romness