IG engagement case study: which billboard should we use?


Designed a new billboard for Allegiate Santa Monica and asked for input

The goal is simple: provocative copy to grab someone’s attention.

We put these mockups out to our instagram and asked for their input. Which would they choose? The results? Huge engagement on the page.

Ripping engagement!

I like engagement as a metric on social media because it shows a living, breathing community. That people are paying attention to what you’re doing and care about voicing their opinion. If you have 10,000 followers but your page is a ghost town? You purchased followers. Or your community doesn’t care about what you’re doing.

Shares and saves are solid, too. Which is better? That’s the wrong question to ask! Both a good. It depends on context. What are you going for? What’s the goal?

In this case, we wanted to have a conversation with our community and get their input.

Which billboard did we go with? Stay tuned to find out.

cody romness