We built a billboard


You know those street posters you see on the roads posted on plywood? I was driving in LA one day and thought, “damn, I wish we could do that. It would be cool to create something rotating like that.”

Then it clicked. Wait, we could put a temporary billboard over our the “high-quality strength training” graphic we already have. If the idea doesn’t work, we can just take it down. And then we could rotate the billboard quarterly.

It’s hard to get people's attention. You’d be surprised how many people say, “I didn’t know you were here.” So maybe with a rotating billboard, we can catch people’s eye and test different copy/ promotion ideas?

Maybe turn the billboard into something featuring a member? Or “vote on our next billboard design?” You tie it into digital, get the peanut gallery involved with IG comments, and all of a sudden you’re integrating the creative physically and digitally – plus generating buzz.

I also made a massive Typo on the first billboard. The top of the copy was “Hey Athlets” instead of “Hey Athletes!.” So we had to figure out how to fix it. And instead of hiding behind it, I turned the mistake into a social media video admitting I’d messed up because, well, I did. And it was a funny story.

cody romness