How To remove objections

Objections come up. And though I believe that you shouldn’t encounter objections if you’re doing a good job in the sales process (talking to qualified prospects, finding out what they want and mapping your solution to fit their needs) — they can still come up. Particularity in advertising copy, where you don’t have the 1:1 conversation where you’re listening and customizing. So how to handle objections? Through a process called Redefinition, as originally coined in Breakthrough Advertising. Redefinition reframes the objection, flipping from negative to positive. It turns liabilities into assets. It causes the prospect to no longer object — because he sees the problem differently. Redefinition is like judo, taking energy and redirecting it.

The three main categories of objections are:

  1. it’s too complicated

  2. it’s not important enough

  3. it’s too expensive

The three techniques of redefinition are:

  1. Simplification: when something’s too complicated, make it simpler. Change his perceptions from this is too complicated for me to, actually I think this is for me.

  2. Escalation: when something is unimportant, make it important. 3 hours a week a the gym to attract the opposite sex if you’re single. Or learning copywriting not for writing’s sake but do you can persuade people to your ideas and get what you want.

  3. Price Reduction: price is comparative. So when something is seen as expensive, compare it to something more expensive. Now the original is less expensive. If I want to sell you a 500k house, and your budget is 450k, I might show you a 300k house then take you to a nice neighborhood where I show you a 750k house, knowing I’m taking you to a 500k house after that. 500k is more than 450k but it’s less than 750k

cody romness