What's your relationship with  consumption and creation?

Consumption of content, YouTube, podcasts, books – versus actual creation?

Could be Instagram posts.

Could be blog posts, Twitter,

writing, music, journaling.

The integration or the separation, right?

So using the analogy of a musician,

a musician is always listening to music.

And then you're playing music,

you're writing music,

you're thinking about visuals,

and maybe you're watching film

or looking at magazines

for inspiration on graphic designs.

And it's sort of this confluence

of all these different inspirations

that are sort of coming in, merging

with the unique thing that's inside of you

that makes you you plus all these kind

of external things

in where you live and environmental stuff

that also influences its way into you.

I think some people feel just almost

you have to get something out.

Like I feel like

I got so many different ideas and things

in my head that I just got to get out.

And if I don't get it out,

then it just keeps rumbling in my head

and it's like clutter

and it just gets just gets messy up there

where you just feel a sense

of like working out.

You just feel a pent up energy

that you got to get out.

Just the general process,

not necessarily the outcome,

but the process of making stuff

and putting it out

there is just a good muscle to flex

and get

good at and it's sort of therapeutic,

just pushing shit out.

And then you also just get better

at synthesizing your thoughts and ideas

and I think a cool byproduct

of the process and synthesis

is that you can own your own distribution,

you can create your own opportunities,

you can use democratization

that the world we live

in, in terms of media, of YouTube, of X,

whatever other platform that you want,

you can say something and other people

can raise their hand and start

following you and you can sort of

you can build a presence and

you can leverage that into other things.

But it's also super

hard to create distribution

and to show up consistently like, Well,

what do I have to contribute?

How do I want to contribute?

It is valuable?

Do you have to do all the kind of

growth-hacky things that you see

people commenting on, on X or whatever?

When you follow some of these 

personal branding


leveraging other people's audiences

and sort of having a conversation

with the idea to sort of

bring them back to your platform

and sell them something.

I don't think you just want

to just talk all the time.

And just means to an end in a sense.

I don't think it's just prolific output

that makes you feel good no matter what.

Maybe there's a piece of that art

for art's sake.

But I think to be able to leverage this

in terms of you turn it into freedom,

freedom to do what you want,

financial freedom, creative freedom,

freedom of and freedom to 

and freedom from.

And I'm sure there's this own sort

of chains and baggage that come

from content creation, kind of owning you

and being your own entity,

just thinking about your own relationship

to content

or my own relationship to content

consumption and content creation.

What's the overlap? What's the reason?

What's the purpose?

And am I too heavy in one direction

or the other?

And how does that sit in terms

of how you experience life?

cody romness